Интересная цитата с форумов RSC:
Q: I was wondering if ISI is planning to refine the characteristics of trackside objects. It seems a logical next step up for the game engine. Cars obviously react differently crashing into steel fences, hay bales, and trees. IIRC, there was supposed to be an enhancement of the physical properties of tire barriers in the next patch. ANyone have any news?
A: The next patch was meant to have some new collision effects... because there were things that were meant to be included with Lienz 2006, but couldn't because it was in a later patch. These were proper Hay bail collisions, so I would think there would be more
Краткий перевод:
В следующем патче должно измениться взаимодействие машин с объектами за пределами трассы после столкновений. В частности, столкновения с тюками сена в Lienz.